On creativity, failure, and progress

Wisdom from Kourosh Dini:

Any creative act is, by definition, one in which we don’t know what the thing will look like in the end.

Instead, we discover what we are making in the act of its creation.

There’s even a parallel in our relationships. With another person, we can regularly have breakdowns. There is a break in empathy. One party loses an understanding of the other.

But by working to return, to find a genuine re-attunement that works for both parties, one that often involves finding a new understanding, we create a new relationship.

If we hold onto a vision too tightly, it grows brittle and shatters. It is here that we might feel “failure”.

The work is to realize the feeling of failure as a step of creativity. We can then deliberately engage the fuzzy confusion, the unclear vision, and take some next step forward.

Agam Brahma @agam